There I am with my friend and co-demo Shelia, on stage, getting recongnized for our promotion to Sr Supervior. This was my first Leadership and I hope the first of many. I have so much to share with you about Stampin Up and Leadership. So stay with me, this may be a long post. We are moving this week so I am thinking I better post lots today because I will be too busy later.
What a goofy look on my face. I just won the PRIZE PATROL gift, which is a new product that will be available in March. I was shocked and so excited. I know you are dying to know what is in that box, aren't you? Well here it is. Get ready. Wait for it. OMG!!
It is an accessory to the Simply Scored. This is a plate you lay on the Simply Scored. It has diagonal score lines to make envelopes!!!!! Can you believe it? I also got a sylist and markers. They demonstrated how to make the envelopes and boxes and other things with this. It is amazing!! Remember this isn't available until March so get it on that wish list ladies. I will make some things and get them posted next week after the move. I was the envy of everyone in my group. It will be great to be able to do a product focus on this at our downline meeting. Okay now for some more exciting stuff. FREEBIES!! You know you love them. Sit down cause you won't believe this.
This stuff covered the entire width of the bed. This doesn't include the Make and Takes.

OMG, I know, I know. These are the Make and Take projects. Again it covers the entire width of the bed and about half the length. It is just wonderful all the things Stampin Up does for us as demonstrators. If you have ever thought of starting a home business you should consider Stampin Up. This company is a pleasure to work with, yes "work with" and not for. They have a fabulous special going on during Sale-A-Bration. You can join for only $125, which gets you $350 worth of merchandise and business supplies. And for a bonus you get a FREE package of designer series paper or a FREE download for My Digital Studio for the rest of the year. That is another $100 + of FREE merchandise. The very best part of this though is that you will be joining a company that lets you do things your way. In fact their theme for this year is "My Way". Stampin Up encourages you to run your business Your Way. If you want to be a hobby demonstrator or you want to have a thriving business it is up to you. And when you decide to change the direction of your business they are there for you then too. Whether that is to kick it up or to turn it down.

This is Shelli Gardner, owner, and her daughter Sarah. You couldn't ask for two more sencere lovely people. They care about everyone and their business. They are at every event and accessible to talk with and they really listen to what you have to say. Their families are usually there also. All the executives are there and standing in the hall to talk to you when you come by. It is so cool that they are so interested and involved with all of us. They really understand that we drive this business they love and they truely want to take care of us and provide us with the tools and services we need to succeed. I have been a part of a lot of other companies in this industry but none can touch Stampin Up. So give it some thought and if you would like to talk about it or if you have questions please contact me and lets have some tea or coffee and visit.
I think I better sign off for now but I have sooooooo much more for you. I will post tomorrow morning.